a january slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.

I know this trend is probably out by now, but I have always loved the concept, so I’m sticking with it! If you’ve never heard of the “weekly r.e.p.o.r.t.”, it’s essentially an acronym, which wittingly spells out a fitting word, for different things you’re consuming and enjoying. You’ll see them detailed below. What I love about this trend is that it allows us to stop and think about the little everyday things in our life that are bringing us joy. So, here’s my monthly version! I hope it encourages you to pick up the trend, or simply look at life in this perspective for a bit (it’s fantastic mindfulness practice).

monthly r.e.p.o.r.t. trend tiktok slow living

R (reading)

Please! A round of applause! This slow reader finished her first book of 2024 in record time! I finished Glossy on audiobook and I did generally enjoy it. I felt like the tone was a little too villain-ish, painting Emily Weiss in a way where I felt like she would be revealed to be a horrible person but… she’s not really a horrible person. Just a private one. Either way, the story was insightful and enjoyable from the perspective of a marketer who absolutely adores everything about the marketing tactics used to create the iconic Glossier.

E (eating)

I’m on a big pancake kick. On Saturday mornings, we treat ourselves to a breakfast out at our favorite local spot that makes the most incredible pancakes I’ve ever had. Seriously. They’re so fluffy I don’t think I need to chew them. And the exterior has just the right crisp from the griddle. Absolute perfection. I crave them right as the weekend approaches.

P (playing)

As you all might know, I’m trying to get back into my gaming… game. Lol. I do love gaming on the regular, but life typically gets in the way and I unfortunately tend to push my hobbies aside often. I’m currently playing - er, well, observing - Ian play Alan Wake 2. I consider myself playing it as well because I am truly watching the gameplay and helping him navigate through the engulfing, eerie, majorly Twin Peaks vibe story.

O (obsessing)

I can’t stop watching keyboard videos on TikTok. It is truly an obsession. Clicky, clacky, creamy, thocky… I want them all. I spent the time from Christmas to now endlessly scrolling through these videos and I finally purchased my own mechanical keyboard with a delightfully creamy sound. Thank goodness for a holiday gift card I was holding onto for the right moment. This… was the right moment.

R (recommending)

I’ve had my headphones for a while, but I’m recommending them now because I’ve developed a newfound appreciation for them all over again. Not only are they extremely high-quality and tbh pretty? But they’re fantastic for focusing. I feel like I get work, workouts, anything done in a productive feel-good way when I have them on listening to an audiobook or YouTube video. I recommend them with an emphasis on considering headphones to be a productivity tool.

T (treating)

I consider any time off a treat. If you’re a fellow 9-5 employee plus content creator/artist, you know that time off simply is not a thing. But when time off introduces itself to me, whether through a forgotten task or a shorter to-do list than normal or canceled plans, I embrace it full-force. No longer will I fill up those moments with extra work to “make up” for it. Now, I indulge in reading, drawing, or gaming!

After writing this… whew, I really do love this trend. Let’s promise to never let it die, k? You can rely on me to post more of these on a monthly basis if you enjoyed this one. And if you did, please let me know! I’d also love to hear your r.e.p.o.r.t. (maybe post it on social, share in the comments here, whatever!).


a february slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.


5 slow living lessons I learned in 2023