a slow morning routine in 15 minutes

It might seem contradictory to spend such a short amount of time on a slow morning routine, but this is for the busy bees, the 9-5 folks who need to run out for their commute, the snooze button-hitters, and anyone in between.

No matter who you are, this will eventually build the habit of prioritizing a longer slow morning routine.

Routines should be experimented with and personalized, so I'm not going to tell you exactly what to do.

But if you set your alarm to exactly when you need to get up, adjust it to 20 minutes earlier. This will give you an extra 5 minutes to situate yourself.

Stop. It's at this moment where it's so easy to hit snooze, give up, try again tomorrow. Repeat.

While you can totally sleep through the 20 minutes, let's do a little mindset shift. 20 minutes of sleep honestly feels like a blink. But just 20 minutes of dedicated time to yourself each morning? That sets you up for a positive morning, afternoon, night, and days onward. Worth it.

Now, you have 15 minutes to spare! How are you going to spend it so that you have a successful slow morning?

slow morning routine in 15 minutes

Here are some ideas that prioritize slowing down (again, experiment and personalize it to your preference):

- Meditate
- Ice roll your face
- Thoroughly stretch your limbs
- Make a cup of coffee/tea
- Read 10 pages of a book
- Open the windows or step outside for some fresh air
- Journal (this can be productive-focused, like a quick to-do list, or personal-focused like jotting down an affirmation)
- Download a podcast episode to listen to later
- Water your plants
- Tidy up your space (make bed, put dishes to wash, put away random things you left out)
- Go for a walk around the block
- Catch up on the news, your favorite online creators, or any saved articles you haven't read yet
- Drink a cup or two of water
- Take a look at your vision board

These are also simple enough so you can do more than one in 15 minutes.

Which ideas are you going to try? How excited are you to start this journey?! Let me know below or DM me on Instagram!

If you want more slow living inspo, I send weekly letters to your inbox.


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