why you need to consider productivity on your slow living journey

I talk a lot about productivity, maybe just as much as I talk about slow living.

A few of you have caught on to the connection but generally speaking, how exactly do these two things correlate? It's actually really important to consider productivity while on your slow living journey. Without getting a handle on work and personal responsibilities, I wouldn't be able to maintain slowness as part of my routine. My anxiety simply would not have it.

So let's break down the connection (and don't worry, I have a simplified way to implement productivity into your life if you haven't done so already).

Free Time

We all have responsibilities that take up time. How we handle those responsibilities can help divvy up our time in a way that fits not just our work/school/life demands, but also our dedicated slow time.

Stress Less

When we have a handle on our goals and responsibilities, we inevitably stress less and are able to live more. Lower anxiety levels allow us to make room for joyful no-strings-attached moments.

Achieve Goals

Accomplishing goals (both professionally and personally) improve quality of life, which shifts our mindset to a positive place. This encourages us to enjoy things fully.

Self Improvement

This ties into the above: We improve and learn about ourselves when we achieve goals. This helps shape what we value and don't value in our slow living journey.

Become Overall Happier

Think about main stressors in our lives. When we're able to confidently take control of those stressors, we take control of life. This results in a better quality of living because we get to dictate our path without feeling burdened by stressors.

So, productivity and slow living really go hand in hand. If you haven't started on a personal productivity system, I highly encourage you to start now! As always, take the process slow and steady, and let me know how you're doing with progress. Just a small consistent effort each week will make a difference.

What helps me achieve all of the above? I consider Notion a lifesaving productivity assistant.

Subscribe to get all 6 of my FREE Notion templates that help me stress less and live more. They're 100% customizable, easy to use, and beautiful in addition to being functional if I do say so myself hehe.

Good luck! Feel free to DM on Instagram to chat about your productive slow living progress, or comment below!


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