how to navigate holiday gatherings the slow living way

We're quickly approaching some of the highest pressure events of the year: holiday gatherings. For some, this is an exciting moment. For others, like myself, there's a cloud of anxiety looming over the weeks between late November to late December.

Not only can holiday gatherings be stressful, it can certainly mess with your daily routines, routines that likely keep you aligned. So, how can you incorporate some slow living practices to ensure you’re sticking to a mindful and joyful lifestyle amidst the holiday chaos? I’ve got some ideas for ya.

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identify your boundaries

What topics are off limits? Make a mental note of this. Boundary setting is a hugely important part of slow living, as it allows you to stay on the path you’ve chosen to follow. It can be difficult to navigate the emotions, responses, and vibes when others make you question your path, so identifying what you can beforehand will be key to preventing those tough situations.

create a plan for establishing those boundaries

How will you stand firm on your boundaries? This can be particularly tricky since it deals with the potential confrontations that may occur. If you’re most comfortable taking the subtle route, think of responses to scenarios where your boundaries are crossed that redirect the conversation. If you prefer to take things head on, think of responses that firmly reiterate that your boundary is being crossed and you’d like the conversation to stop.

follow an alternative, low-maintenance routine

It’s completely normal for routines to go out the window the moment you travel home or have a change in your day to day. Don’t sweat it. But if you’re looking for some semblance of a routine during this time, keep it low-maintenance. Think of what’s most important in your usual routine, and prioritize those things only. And scale it back if needed. If your mornings consist of a workout, ingredient-laden shake, and journaling sesh, consider condensing it down to a walk, piece of fruit, and a checklist in your notes app.

commit to solo/self-care time

There will be times where you need a break from it all. Find pockets throughout the day, maybe when others are sleeping in, when the cooks are busy in the kitchen, or even while others are showering to commit to a little self-care. Some ideas: reading (audiobooks/ebooks are convenient and private), a morning walk, a coffee break, exploring town, etc.

make space for grace

Not just for your loved ones, because they may also be struggling, but mostly for yourself. There’s a lot of baggage tied to the holidays. Some are outward via social interactions. Some are deep and internal and painful without anyone ever noticing. Give yourself the kindness and grace you deserve. Remember that these gatherings are just a blip in the immensity of your huge, grand, and beautiful life, and you will get through this and back into your most comforting spaces in just a short time. Take it easy. You got this.

happy holidays, and best of luck!


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