20 mindful activities to try this holiday season

I’ve talked about seasonal slow living many times before, but winter aside (a slow living winter post will be coming soon), the holidays are a category of their own. Whether you’re struggling with going solo this time of year or want to make your days a bit more festive, this list of activities will help spread some mindful cheer (that I think we all could use).

And if you want a customizable bucket list of all these ideas plus more (40+ ideas), I created a FREE Notion template for you! Get it here.

mindful holiday things to do slow living for free activities

Grab a hot cocoa and go for a walk around the neighborhood

There’s something a little magical, a little Hallmark movie about this. The decor always brings a smile to my face and having a cup of hot cocoa in hand is just what’s needed to warm up while on a chilly walk.

Explore holiday markets

You don’t need to make a purchase. Walking around festive huddles of tents with quirky handmade items is joyful all on its own (I just went to the Union Square market and did not buy a thing lol). But if you do pick up something, you’ll be supporting a small local shop!

DIY your gifts

DIY this year! It’s more affordable and thoughtful! Some ideas: altoid trinket boxes, clay trinket dishes, embroidered clothing, homemade jams/sauces, recipe cards, soup mixes, bookmarks… the list goes on and on!

Declutter your closet and donate what you no longer need

Now is the perfect time for a closet declutter. Start with a clean slate for the new year! And as the weather gets colder, people are in need of clothing. If you have old towels, you can donate those to animal shelters (call to check first!).

Read something cozy

Cozy times call for cozy reading sessions. Pull on something comfy, grab a blanket and warm beverage, and get to reading. Cozy romances, mysteries, and literary fiction are good options for extra hygge.

Sit by a fire (real or faux)

I have a faux fireplace and it’s the best for icy evenings. Not only is it… warm… but it gives off a festive, inviting vibe. I can imagine reading, sipping on eggnog, having merry banter with friends, or cuddling with pets by the fire.

Take a creative project to your local coffee shop

Sketching, knitting, crafting, whatever you prefer (ahem, what about those DIY gifts??) works. Pack your tote and head to a local coffee shop for a creative hour.

Bake festive cookies

‘Tis the season for cookies. ALL the cookies. Sugar cookies, chocolate peppermint cookies, gingerbread cookies, jam-filled cookies… make as much as you can cause why not (if you have extra, those can be great gifts!).

Take a morning hike/nature walk

Don’t knock it until you try it, they say. If you go in the morning, the world is calm and peaceful. The cool air is also extremely refreshing! Dress with extra layers and you’ll be good to go. If anything, it’s another reason to drink more cocoa.

Donate books or set up a free library

Some schools will give donations to kids who aren’t able to receive holiday gifts. Call your local libraries and used bookshops, too. Alternatively, you can set up a mini library outside your home!

Leave a care basket out for delivery drivers

It’s a small gesture that goes a long way. I personally get overjoyed when I see my mailman grab a water every day. Your basket can be as simple as ours: Mini water bottles, granola bars, and a thank you sign.

Drink eggnog while listening to classic holiday music

This is our annual holiday decorating tradition! It’s festive, it’s cozy, it’s nostalgic. I love classic holiday music. Bonus points if you can listen on a record player!

Start a bullet journal or planner kit

I almost forgot that new planner season is NOW. Whether you go the traditional or bullet journal route, make sure you have enough sticky notes, highlighters, pens… the usual supplies.

Have a holiday movie watch party

You can keep this low-maintenance with a virtual option or invite loved ones over for an actual party! Snacks can include those holiday cookies, nog, peppermint sticks, cocoa, and pizza (cause an actual meal needs to happen, prob).

Play some cozy games

Cozy gaming is so trendy now and I love it! You can find some games as cheap as a dollar. Have a look around your console stores and see what you can pick up.

Volunteer at an animal shelter

Not only is cold weather challenging, but some pets who were gifts end up getting returned/abandoned. You don’t need to go all the way to adopt, but fostering/volunteering helps a lot.

Make a big batch of soup or chili

Repeat after me: Soup season is the BEST season!! Make yourself a big ol’ batch of your favorite and keep it handy for an instant cozy meal. It always brings a smile to my face.

Get lost in a library or used bookshop

I WILL be doing this all winter long. This is also your reminder to get a library card if you do not have one already! ALSO, used books make for perfect gifts.

Send handmade postcards to loved ones

I love this idea far more than a pack of holiday cards from Target (no offense to those, but this is a bit more thoughtful). You can get blank postcards from an art store. Alternatively, you can find old postcards at used bookstores!

Treat yourself to a festive/wintery mug

A festive mug will ALWAYS brighten my day. There’s just something extra joyful about it. I take my coffee rituals seriously, if you couldn’t tell. Be sure to find one that makes you uniquely happy: it doesn’t need to be green and red.

Don’t forget to grab the FREE Notion template with these and 20+ more ideas here!


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