5 ways to (slowly) embrace spring this year

I’ll be honest, spring has never been my favorite. But I’m happy to report that my feelings towards the season are shifting! I owe that to seasonal slow living and all the positives I’ve been able to associate with spring since working on timely slow living practices.

I've spoken about seasonal slow living several times on my platform because I firmly stand by its accessibility into any slow living journey.

So, if you're looking to embrace this time of year for what it is, incorporate some simple slow living practices, or are in need of a springtime boost (whether you're a spring person or not), read on!

slow living spring things to do free notion template how to live slow 2024

Create a Spring Bucket List

Yes, you WILL hear me talk about seasonal bucket lists at the start of every season. They’re the best for listing down fun ideas and sticking to them. When I was younger, I’d write my bucket lists on sticky notes and line them across a poster board, ripping each item off after completing. It’s still fun as an adult. Need ideas? I have a free customizable bucket list ready to go for ya.

Start a Book, Brunch, or Hobby Club

We’re all collectively defrosting from the winter, right? So we’re all craving a bit of social fun? Right. Now is the perfect time to start a themed club! My go-to ideas are bookclubs (because they turn into bookish dinner parties), brunch clubs (because we get to explore local spots with friends and mimosas), and hobby clubs (because we’re claiming this year to be The Year of the Hobby!).

Head Back to the Farmer’s Market

Again, we’re defrosting. So are the farmer’s markets! They’re back! You’ll likely find your local farmer’s market to be high-energy right now because everyone is eager to explore. It’s my favorite warm season activity. Not only do you connect with local farms and establishments, but you will also discover local flavors, creators, artists, and more.

Make Spring Cleaning and Quarterly Reviews Fun

Repeat after me: Productivity is essential on our slow living journeys. That does not need to be a looked-down-upon thing! It can be fun! If you’re not up for pulling on gloves and deep cleaning your space (me neither), try digital decluttering as your form of spring cleaning. And I talk a lot about making quarterly reviews a vibe. I’m actually looking forward to the end of Q1.

Create a Seasonal Challenge

What is my problem and creating challenges lately? I don’t know! They just seem fun and subtly… challenging! Testing our comfy cozy limits can be a healthful thing. What kinds of challenges can you create? Perhaps a body movement challenge, a reading challenge, a cooking challenge (that will be mine), or a self-love challenge?

If you're yearning for more feel-good springtime vibes, be sure to check out my FREE and fully customizable spring bucket list with over 25 more ideas for a slow season!


a march slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.


a february slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.