how to create a weekday slow living routine

Slow living is fine and great on the weekends but it's a whole different story when we're talking about weekdays. For most of us, we have jobs, school, families, and all sorts of other responsibilities that take up our Monday to Friday time. So, how can we realistically still practice slow living during the week? Firstly, yes, it's possible. And secondly, try these tips.

slow morning diaries weekday slow living routine

Get Enough Rest

Above all things, you need to be well-rested. Your body and mind literally can't function well without proper sleep. So, start by getting ample amounts of rest before you begin a busy weekday. Aim for 6-8 hours, consistently.

Pick a Time Slot That Works With Your Schedule...

If you work an early shift, your slow living routine will likely happen later in the day. Vice versa if you have a late shift. If you're somewhere in between (i.e. a 9-5), you have flexibility. Ideally, you want to pick a time that feels easiest to implement a routine that you plan on sticking with.

...And You'll Realistically Stick With

Don't pick early mornings for your routine if you don't like waking up earlier than you need to! If you feel most inspired at night, pick a time around that. If you need to get to bed early, pick a time earlier in the day. Makes sense? Keep it realistic.

Consider a "Scattered" Routine

If you can't find a singular time you can stick to every day, don't sweat it. In this case, try a "scattered" approach, where your routine is broken into small pieces throughout your day. This sounds strange, but micro practices are better than none. Think 5 minutes in the morning, a few minutes during your lunch break, a moment during that 2pm "slump, right before bedtime, etc.

Set Your Mindset Up for Success

You will never succeed with slow living if you don't believe in your success from the very start. Many go into this thinking it's silly, unattainable, or not really impactful. That mindset is already discouraging you. If this is something you really want, be open and willing to make life changes now to enjoy results shortly later.

Be Open To Changes (Especially in the Beginning)

Slow living always looks messy at first. As does anything new! So, make mistakes. Switch things out if they don't bring you joy. Be prepared to start over if your first go isn't what you expected. It does settle quicker than you think, so before you know it you'll be beaming with excitement about the progress you've made.

As always, feel free to join along my journey and chat with me about your progress, questions, etc. Good luck!


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