10 ways to romanticize your mornings

In case you didn't get the memo, we really love mornings here! Especially a slow morning.

I personally think that the most accessible time of the day to instill slowness is during the morning. For most, it's the quietest time, there's the least amount of distractions, and there's just an overall peaceful vibe that you don't quite get at 1pm, ya know?

So with that, I have ten ideas to help you instill that slowness by romanticizing your mornings. Romanticization is a great way to take a single moment and turn it into a vibe, an experience, an impactful part of your day.

slow morning diaries romanticize your mornings

Start the Day Quietly

Again, this is usually easy to do during the morning. Rather than tuning into your phone, go through your morning rituals in silence. Your appreciation of the simple things you do will come into full focus.

Set your Phone on "Do Not Disturb"

While at it, just turn your phone on silent. Your messages won't be waiting that long for ya!

Journal in Bed

Something about journaling in bed is kinda? Indulgent? It's just extra cozy and extra luxurious.

Let that Sunshine In!

Pull back the curtains, twist open the blinds, crack open the windows! Not only does your body need that vitamin d, but sunshine is guaranteed to give you an instant mood boost.


Meditation is a practice of true tranquility, silence, and slowness. How could I not include it?

Slowly Sip on a Lemon Water/Green Drink/Whatever

Whatever bev makes you happy, grab a cup of it and sip throughout your morning. It may sound silly, but stopping to take a sip literally encourages you to stop. for a second.

Indulge in a Soothing Skincare Routine

I personally prefer my extensive skincare routine in the morning rather than the evening. If you're like me, you'll find this super accessible and a relaxing way to start the day!

Make a Moment out of your Coffee Routine

This is my absolute favorite part of my slow morning routine. Make this a moment. Carefully brew a cup, take your pourover to the kitchen table and indulge in the process. Or, make your cup and sit outside while you sip!

Dedicate Space for a Reading Nook

It doesn't need to be intricate. It never does. Find a corner in your bedroom. Pile some pillows and blankets on the floor. Wherever you decide, make it extra cozy and get a chapter in.

Make Note (Literally or Mentally) of an Affirmation

Affirmations are another way of encouraging mindfulness. Appreciation of life, your successes, and your personal joys will - again - come into full focus with a really resonating affirmation.

A lot of these things sound like they take up a lot of time, and that's sort of the point (embrace that time - it's for you!), but if you're on a tight schedule or need to get out of the house quickly, check out this post on creating a routine in 15 minutes. You can still do the things mentioned above so long as your 15 minutes are set up for success!

Which of these romantic moments sound most appealing to you? I don't think it's a secret as to which one is mine hehe. Would love to chat about all things romantic and slow whenever you're ready.


how to create a weekday slow living routine


“deinfluencing” has always been a part of slow living