how to create a routine (routines 101)

If you're on the side of the internet where I reside, you've heard of routines and you know there are various kinds of them. Morning routines, night routines, productive routines, aesthetic routines... these just tap the surface. You might find these routines to be inspiring and you're probably looking into establishing one for yourself if you're reading this!

I'm calling this "Routines 101" because we're starting at the basics. Basics might feel silly for something seemingly self-explanatory, but it'll keep you grounded later on.

slow morning diaries routines 101

What are Routines?

Routines are a cluster of habits that you consistently practice. It's important to note that routines = habits because it's understood that habits are done in a consistent manner. By the way, we're focusing on positive habits, therefore our routines are also positive!

Why are Routines Important?

Not only are humans creatures of habit and we actually low-key love routines, but we also grow accustomed to them in society (from schooling to the professional world). So what about our personal lives? Using routines to implement positive habits is not just accessible, but also an ideal method to help us improve, grow, and become happier people.

How to Create a Routine:

schedule a time slot that you can stay consistent with for at least one month - I recommend mornings, evenings, or during a lunch break as these are common and accessible down times. Make sure you pick a time you'll stay consistent with (for example, don't pick mornings if you know you'll never get into the habit of waking up earlier than absolutely necessary).

establish what will be part of this routine - Start small! 1-3 actions work perfectly fine. If you need ideas, check this post out for a list. The key is to pick actions you feel would positively impact you or improve your quality of life.

clearly identify the value in your routine - The real importance in a personal routine is the value. Why are you creating this routine? What about x activity is particularly impactful? Identify this. Without it, you will abandon the routine.

use a habit tracker to hold yourself accountable - I use a weekly habit tracker to make sure I'm completing my routine. This will help you hold yourself accountable (otherwise you won't take it seriously enough).

reflect after one month - How do you feel? How has the routine helped? How did it fall short? Can you keep going? What needs to be adjusted so that this routine is most effective moving forward? While routines are all about consistency, you can't be consistent if the routine isn't ideal and it's okay to adjust in the beginning stages so you find that sweet spot.

Reminder: Routines are habits and habits don't stick unless you're consistent. Be patient, be kind to yourself, be open. It won't be perfect on day one but it just might be by day twelve! You got this.


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