5 tips for sticking to a routine

A routine is not a routine if you're not consistently practicing said routine. The problem is... how do you quit falling off track? How do you even begin if you're not accustomed to any form of consistent practice?

I think these questions are valid and scary and can intimidate anyone before they start creating a routine. So! I've created this simple list of tips for sticking to a slow living routine.

Take a breath, let's do this.

slow morning diaries sticking to a routine

Keep it REAL Simple

If you're like me, you get excited about the prospect of starting something fresh and new and exciting. That excitement leads to doing too much because you want to do it all! While you can surely get there eventually, please don't start there. Keep it simple. Start with a routine of 1-3 items. This will ease you into process. Remember - you can always add but if you do too much and get overwhelmed you may give up altogether.

Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes

Mistakes are okay! And normal! Quit beating yourself up about it. You WILL slip up so be prepared to accept that and move on the following day. Making a mistake and trying again is better than making the mistake and giving up forever because you lost hope in yourself. Embrace the fact that you're human, you're learning, and the process is meant to look funky so that the end results can look great.

Shift Your Mindset to Long-Term

Routines take at least 1-2 months to start feeling routine. Routines are set (for the most part) around 3 months in. So... shift your mindset to that timeline. I know it's easy to feel like a routine is a routine the second you start but that's simply not the case. Thinking about it long-term will give you the space, time, and patience to gradually make this lifestyle change.

Check-In at the One (or Two) Month Mark

Again, the routine ain't routine-ing until at least 1-2 months in. Literally mark your calendar if this helps you stay on track. When those months are up, reflect on the pros and cons of the routine. Is there anything that simply isn't benefiting you? Cut it out or replace it with a new idea. Is there anything really impacting you in a positive way? Keep it up!

Stop Undervaluing Slow Living

You aren't prioritizing this journey enough and it's getting in the way of your progress. Treat this journey, if you really are committed to it, the same way you treat a work assignment, an exam, your birthday. If it's important to you, you need to have some dedication to it at the very least and you'll never truly do that if you're not taking it seriously from the start.

I hope these tips are helpful, especially with shifting your mindset to a positive, powerful, and open space. You got this. I believe in you! Good luck.


“deinfluencing” has always been a part of slow living


how to create a routine (routines 101)