5 ways to (slowly) embrace summer this year

Any fellow summer haters? Just me? No worries, this piece is all about embracing the summer vibes regardless!

I've spoken about seasonal slow living several times on my platform because I firmly stand by its accessibility into any slow living journey.

So, if you're looking to embrace this time of year for what it is, incorporate some simple slow living practices, or are in need of a summery boost (whether you're a summer person or not), read on!

slow living summer tips inspo slow living in the cityslow living summer tips inspo slow living in the city

Create a Summer Bucket List

I create bucket lists for every season, but summers is where it all began for me. Summers of my childhood began when the poster boards were lugged home from my local Staples and sticky notes of fun activities were slapped on row by row. Who says that I ever need to let go of that high? Need ideas? I have a free customizable bucket list ready to go for ya.

Take Your Hobbies Outside

Some of us may have summer-specific hobbies, like sports or beach hopping, but if your hobbies are indoor-based try bringing it outside! Now is the best time to embrace a bit of sunshine and fresh air. Some fun ideas: reading at the beach, lunch on a picnic blanket, movie night in the backyard, game night in the park, etc.

Book a Vacation/Staycation

Vacations are not just for students! Take! Your! Breaks! And summertime tends to be the best moment to seize on fun, because establishments are anticipating this season to be their busist/livliest. Book a trip if you’re able. And if you’re not, track down local events, or simply schedule in relaxation time to explore your local area the way a tourist would. OR simply do… nothing!

Enjoy Fresh Fruit and Icy Treats

Fruit is ABUNDANT in the summer. Promise you’ll have the best fruit of your life this time of year. Visit your local farmers market, a fruit stand, or order some from areas known for their farm fresh produce. Icy treats are also super refreshing - don’t hold yourself back from experiencing that on a hot summer day.

Summer-fy Your Interests

My spooky mind immediately goes to Summerween here. But that’s just the point. If your favorite things and personal interests are polar opposite to anything associated with summer - summer-fy them! Have a Summerween Bash, enjoy Christmas in July (I hear Swinter is a thing)! This is especially helpful if you’re struggling to embrace a less-loved season.

If you're yearning for more feel-good summery vibes, be sure to check out my FREE and fully customizable summer bucket list with over 25+ ideas for a slow season!


a june slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.


a may slow living r.e.p.o.r.t.